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paper folding machine中文是什么意思

用"paper folding machine"造句"paper folding machine"怎么读"paper folding machine" in a sentence


  • 折页机


  • F35 suction palisade paper folding machine
  • Suction palisade paper folding machine
  • It is a special company manufacturing printing binding machine , equiped with professional technicians an well as with the capacity of self - research design and development . at present , the main products are : dq404a - 02m semi - automatic saddle stitching stapler , dqq404c - 02 manual saddle stitching stapler , f35 serialsuction palisade paper folding machine , yp808 book blocksmasher machine etc . with full specifications andaduanced fittings , the key part imported from america
    本公司是一家专业生产印刷装订机械设备公司。拥有专业的技术人员,具备自行研制设计开发新产品的能力。目前的主导产品有: dq404a - 02手动骑马订书机f35系列气吸式栅栏折页机yp808书芯压平机等产品规格全配置先进,关键部件采用美国原装机头。
用"paper folding machine"造句  
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